ML2 Solutions has helped a wide range of businesses with their digital marketing needs.
Conversion Rate Optimization Project for a Home Service company
Project Description
A Home Service company wanted to learn more about nature of their incoming telephone calls.
The first research was to learn about the options within their phone system. Unfortunately, it provided very limited results basically in the form of when a call occurred, from which number, and to which number. Unfortunately, there wasn’t data that would help to understand marketing efforts but the data was exported and entered into a database. A database report was created that showed the call volume over time which would show overall call volume patterns.
Additional research was done and the decision was made to purchase a call tracking solution. This solution allows that additional phone numbers could be purchased and used in marketing efforts. New phone numbers where added to different Internet profiles like Facebook, Yelp and Angie’s List. The solution had an integration with Google AdWords so a phone number on Google ads was created as an AdWords Call Extension. For the website, a pool of phone numbers could be dynamically rotated for different website visitors.
The call tracking solution would route all the phone calls back to the main business phone number but recorded better data like referral source. The call tracking solution along with the existing website quote form meant that most of the inbound sales inquiries where now being tracked.
An added benefit of the call tracking solution was that calls were being recorded and could be use in helping to train the sales people.
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