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Analytics project for a Home Service company

Portfolio example of Leads and Sales Analytic Project

Project Description

A Home Service company had lead data and sales data but no way to link the two and also show which marketing efforts resulted in a lead.  A new process and analytic report was created.

The lead data was mostly in the form of email quotes and phone calls.   The sale data was service orders in a line of business database.  For the email quotes, a way to determine if the email was the result of a Google AdWords ad was needed.  That was solved using a WordPress plugin to add the GCLID data from AdWords and thus identified as the result of a paid click.  Thus, the other emails came through organic methods.  Some of these organic methods could be identified by add UTM tracking data.  The phone calls could be identified by using a call tracking solution which also identified if the phone call started with a click of a Google AdWords ad.

The lead data was then linked to the sales data either by the email address for an email quote or the phone number for the phone call.  The service orders had both information recorded so the link could be made.  It was noted for this initial analytics report that there may be other cases for sales like through repeat customers or phone calls that went directly to the main phone number.  However, the analytics results could still show some results for paid and organic marketing efforts.

A spreadsheet was created with the raw leads data and the raw sales data.  Spreadsheet formulas were created that searched for the comparable info (email address and phone numbers) and showed the invoiced amounts.   These invoice amounts were then split into paid and organic referral sources.  These numbers were finally added to a dashboard that included AdWords metrics along with website metrics and AdWords cost.  The cost of paid ads could now be displayed next to the total of invoices to see ROI (Return-On-Investment).


Service: Analytics
Project URL: confidential
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