I am currently running version 1.25.3 and want to upgrade to the latest version which is 1.28.0.
Here are the steps I did:
- Use Putty and connect to server
- Type – cd domains
- Type – cd domainname.com
- Type – cd html
- Type – wget https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.28/mediawiki-1.28.0.tar.gz
- Type – tar -xvzf mediawiki-1.28.0.tar.gz
- Type – rm mediawiki-1.28.0.tar.gz
- rename new folder to “mediawiki” in FTP
- copy the following files or folders from the old installation to the new installation
- LocalSettings.php
- images folder
- In FTP, confirm file permission is 755 and apply recurrisevly
- extensions folder
- GoogleAnalytics
- WikiBanner
- YouTube
- EmbedVideo
- SimpleBatchUpload
- Check if extensions have been updated since last upgrade
- Backup database
- In FTP, rename “w” to “wikiold”
- In FTP, rename “mediawiki” to “w”
- In SSH, open “w” folder
- Type – cd maintenance
- Type – php update.php
- may need to run using “php-latest” instead of “php”
- Test upgrade
- login as admin and check Special Pages –> Version
- confirm pages load
- confirm images are visible
- confirm embedded videos run
- confirm ads are displayed
- If get error message of Fatal exception of type MWException, the issue is running on Cloudflare. Following the instructions in this blog post – MediaWiki and Cloudflare.
- Download “wikiold” folder as a backup
- Delete old folder
- Type – rm –r wikiold