I was making some changes to the software I used for my weather time-lapse videos. I hadn’t really looked at the WordPress Woicik Weather Video Blog in a while. I didn’t really like the fact that the automatic YouTube plug-in created the videos as a separate post type that won’t show up in the post area automatically. So, I did a new search and found a plug-in called Automatic YouTube Video Posts. This sounds like want I was looking for in that it would place new videos from your YouTube channel directly into a new post. I went to download it and found out I had already installed it. So, I deactivated the current plug-in and activated this one. It worked great. It automatically grabbed the last 20 videos. I tried an import command and it did download a bunch more though not everything but no big deal in the end since they are all available on the YouTube channel.
WordPress YouTube plug-in
About the Author: Matt Woicik
Matt is a digital marketing strategist and the owner of ML2 Solutions, a digital marketing agency. He helps businesses increase awareness and get more leads using digital marketing. New marketing methods are confusing, always changing and difficult to figure out. Matt helps to explain things and provide solutions with clear results.