I was listening the MozPod podcast and there was a couple of podcasts about the need to change to HTTPS with the upcoming Google Chrome change to call out website not using SSL certificates. So, I did some research with Media Temple about installing SSL certificates. The easiest way is to purchase a SSL certificate from Media Temple. It does cost an annual fee. I heard about options to get a free SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt. Media Temple has a support article on how to install a Let’s Encrypt certificate (see references below).
Here are the steps I did on my website hosted at Media Temple using Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates:
- Generate a CSR (Certification Signing Request)
- Log into Account Center at Media Temple
- Click on domain name
- Under Alternate Domain Admin, click Manage SSL Certification Options
- Click Generate CSR
- enter Common Name
- enter Country (United State)
- enter Location
- enter State
- enter email
- Click Generate
- Use https://gethttpsforfree.com/
- Connect to Media Temple using SSH
- enter command “openssl genrsa 4096 > account.key”
- enter command “openssl rsa –in account.key –pubout”
- Step 1: Account info
- copy the public key in Get HTTPS for Free website
- enter account email
- Click Validate Account Info
- Step 2: Certificate Signing Request
- copy CSR
- Click Validate CSR
- Step 3: Sign API Requests
- Copy three signature command and individual run in SSH
- Copy the results back
- Click Validate Signatures
- Step 4: Verify Ownership
- run command in SSH and paste output
- select option 2 for file-based
- create new folder inside html called “.well-known”
- create subfolder called “acme-challenge”
- create file called what is given
- Add content into this file
- test by navigating to file to test it.
- Click “I’m now serving this file on mattwoicik.com
- copy Signed Certificate and Intermediate Certificate
- Install at Media Temple
- Log into Account Center at Media Temple
- Click on domain name
- Under Alternate Domain Admin, click Manage SSL Certification Options
- click Import Certificate
- copy Signed Certificate to Certificate
- Copy Intermediate Certificate to CA/Chain Certificate
- Click Save
- check Certificate Details
- Connect to Media Temple using SSH
- Test using button on Get HTTPS for Free website
- Check certification info by going to https://domain.com
The next step is to switch all traffic to use HTTPS. But, I also wanted to redirect all www traffic to non-www. So, add this to the HTACCESS file.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^ https://mattwoicik.com%{REQUEST_URI} [L,NE,R=301]
- Test redirection by going to:
- http://domain.com
- http://www.domain.com
- https://www.domain.com
- https://www.semrush.com/blog/http-vs-https-how-security-affects-your-seo/
- https://www.aleydasolis.com/en/search-engine-optimization/http-https-migration-checklist-google-docs/
- https://mediatemple.net/community/products/grid/204643710/installing-an-ssl-certificate
- https://mediatemple.net/community/products/grid/208603976/install-a-let’s-encrypt-ssl
- https://searchengineland.com/http-https-seos-guide-securing-website-246940
- https://yoast.com/moving-your-website-to-https-ssl-tips-tricks/
- https://simonecarletti.com/blog/2016/08/redirect-domain-http-https-www-apache/