WordPress uses themes to control the appearance and layout of content on a WordPress website. A theme may also have features related to the appearance. The key point is the appearance of the content is separate from the actual content which allows you to change your theme and most of time have the content’s appearance update automatically.
There are a few default themes that come with WordPress when it is installed. These themes are a great place to start using WordPress. But, most people want something that looks different in appearance or has different features. You can easily add new themes to WordPress right inside WordPress.
WordPress gives you options to add themes and delete themes. A theme is made active to have it influence the appearance and layout of the website.
The first option is free WordPress themes. There are many to select from making the decision difficult. The first criteria is appearance but it is also good to look at a few other criteria. These are how many active installation, when the theme was last updated and the reviews.
Another option is paid WordPress themes. These are themes that cost money to purchase. Typically, paid themes include more features and appearance options than free themes. Paid themes many include support options. You should also look for the frequency of updates and if the theme developer is reputable.
Once you have your theme installed, you can start customize it. The theme will have a number of settings that effect things like typography, colors, backgrounds, logo, the header area and the footer area.
If you would like to learn more about how to install and customize a WordPress theme, check out a companion article on Digital Marketing Extreme.