A contact page on your website is a typical page a website visitor looks for.  The contact page should contain all your contact information like phone number, email address and physical address.  If your business has a physical location, it is a good idea to integrate a map so that people on smartphones can get directions.

A contact page can have a website form which allows visitors to enter information and then submit it.  After submitting, the website can send you a notification email with the data that was entered.  A confirmation email can also go back to the website visitor.

The contact page should be included in the main menu.  A link should also be included in the footer.

A great way to add a WordPress website form to your contact page is using Ninja Forms.  Ninja Forms is a free plugin that by default has a pre-made contact form.  The form can be added to a WordPress page on your website.

When a website form is submitted, Ninja Forms will send a confirmation email and a notification email.

Ninja Forms can be extended with paid add-ons.

If you would like to learn more about how to create a WordPress website contact page, check out a companion article on Digital Marketing Extreme.