Seminar Video

Small Business Email Marketing – Digital Marketing Fundamentals

By |2021-05-02T17:06:36-07:00April 16th, 2020|Categories: Seminar Video|

Why do you need email marketing for your small business?  This video will go over what is email marketing, examples, email marketing services, email collection, and regulations. #emailmarketing [...]

Small Business Reputation Management – Digital Marketing Fundamentals

By |2021-05-02T17:06:36-07:00April 6th, 2020|Categories: Seminar Video|

Why do you need reputation management for your small business?  This video will go over what is reputation management, general process, review websites, responding, review solicitation, and own reviews. [...]

Small Business Paid Advertising – Digital Marketing Fundamentals

By |2021-05-02T17:06:37-07:00March 25th, 2020|Categories: Seminar Video|

Why do you need paid advertising for your small business?  This video will go over what is paid advertising, Google Search, Google Display, Facebook ads, other platforms, remarketing ads, and [...]

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