

You have questions, we have answers.

ML2 Solutions

ML2 Solutions is a digital marketing agency helping businesses get leads and converting them to sales. Our goal is to find the best solutions to your needs to help you get more customers.


Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Marketing involves a lot of things and you probably have a lot of questions.  You might have a big question about what is digital marketing.  See below.  You might have general questions like when will your project be finished.  Again, see below.  Or you might have a specific question like how to update your logo on your website.  Broken record, see below.

If you don’t see an answer, we are always available to provide one.  Please submit your question on our Contact page or send us an email at info@ml2solutions.com



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Below are most frequently asked questions with answers.

What is Digital Marketing?2019-10-19T22:03:15-07:00

Digital Marketing is the use of marketing techniques and methods to increase awareness and generate more sales.

When will your project be finished?2019-10-19T22:03:10-07:00

Your project timeline will be set at the beginning of the project.

How much does ML2 Solutions cost?2019-10-19T22:02:59-07:00
  • We offer price points to help you get what you need and help to develop a relationship with us.
  • We are clear on the solution’s time-frame, schedule of payment and termination.
  • We don’t up-sell.
  • We don’t lock you into long-term contracts unless you want to get a discount.
What does our guarantee cover?2019-10-29T21:47:55-07:00

You can find more information on our Guarantee web page.

How do our consultations work?2019-10-29T21:52:56-07:00

You can more information on our Consultation web page.

What are our payment terms?2019-10-29T21:51:17-07:00

Here are our typical payment terms though your specific payment terms will be in our Digital Marketing Agreement document.

  • For Projects, Client shall pay 50% upon invoice receipt and 50% after project completion. Payment terms are payable on receipt from the date of invoice initiation or project completion date.
  • For Plans, Client shall pay 100% upon invoice receipt. Payment terms are payable on receipt from the date of invoice initiation which will be the first of the month or a pro-rated amount for plans that doesn’t start on the first of the month.
  • Work with not start until initial payment is received.
How do you update your logo on your website?2019-10-19T22:03:04-07:00

If you are on a plan, just send us an email and we will update it.  If not, please let us know also and will get back to you with a price quote.

ML2 Solutions Guarantee


ML2 Solutions wants you to be satisfied with the digital marketing services you are paying for. If we can’t come to an agreement on how to complete your digital marketing services, we will refund your initial payment upon request with just a few conditions.  For more information on our guarantee.


Does your company need help with digital marketing? Fill out this form and we will get in touch with you for a FREE consultation. Or, schedule now.

Call us at 206-395-6522.

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